Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Secret Reality of How The US Economy Wins And Fails

(For Source Links on m0, m1, $131T in assets, etc., see this post; the $17T debt link is rounded up)

  • the m0 can be increased easily by selling over $100T in financial instruments to foreign investment firms for cash to act as American reserves (after the currency is exchanged for dollars)
  • the m1 can serve investment firms as fuel for their financial investment empire; all they have to do is convert the national debt and/or profits into the 10% reserve for spending over $100T into what is essentially a "pour money into a hole" project.. but then again if foreign investors will honor it as a legitimate financial asset, then I guess it's not bad at all.
  • the threat of a bank run (everyone cashing their checking accounts) is laughably innocuous, to the point where we're rich off the fact that we're covering the credit defaults of the entire world
  • to levy taxes in any kind of way that actually stands a chance of paying off the national debt, the IRS would have to either a) ask the Fed's owners to bring them back lots of cash from selling off their financial instruments or b) just assume that devaluing the global exchange rate of the dollar is basically as good as the same thing. (obviously both of these scenarios are unlikely given the racketeering in politics.)
  • the Fed could practically effortlessly bankrupt America any time it feels like, just by pouring a ton of money into its financial asset investments, without replacing the reserves (just explained how easy it is to replace m0, but my point is: they don't have to do that if they're assholes)
  • the average American is COMPLETELY FUCKING CLUELESS as to how the American economy actually works, unless they have a non-libertarian/real understanding of what m0 and m1 are, as well as understanding how their country could be worth $131T in financial assets (the whole thing is completely unreal to them, so they will easily elect anybody that does a shitty, non-existent, or misleading job of explaining it to them)
In this blog post, I use the term "m0", but in reality, it might literally be the MB (monetary base). This is not meant to be misleading, but in the event that you doubt me, please consider this chart proving that in the event of a bank run, there is sufficient reserves to cover the entire m1.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Libertarian Belief That Fractional Reserve Banking is Flawed Does Not Reflect Responsible Journalism

  1.  The m0 of the United States exceeds the m1, AND the m0 and m1 are almost identical (~$2.7T : $2.42T  is a 112% reserve ratio! This shows it a little more clearly.)
  2. The total financial asset value of the United States is $131T. We are a RICH, RICH nation. If there's a country on this entire planet where it makes sense for the citizens to have no poverty or economic deficiencies, it's definitely the United States.
  3. Here is an example of misinformation by Libertarian sources. It's about Ron Paul claiming that the Federal Reserve has destroyed 98% of the value of the dollar since 1913. This calculation holds no merit whatsoever, and is a blatant misinterpretation of this source of information by leaving out the fact that people historically were earning less and less money the farther back in time you go. (for instance- in 1933 the minimum wage was less than a thirtieth of what it is today, which is completely ignored when claiming that this is 'evidence' of the destruction of the purchasing power of the dollar.) In fact- since 1913, the dollar buys things that people in 1913 could never have dreamed of: cell-phones, sex toys, video games, computers, affordable GPS technology for their tractors, etc. The likelihood of someone being able to afford a 12 dollar steak dinner in 2013 matches the likelihood of a person in 1920 being able to afford a 1 dollar steak, which is really what it boils down to- the reality of all the context that governs one time period's citizens' financial standings vs that of the present era.
  4. YES- Conspiracy theory is REAL. Here is what I would show anyone, regardless of whether or not they believe or disbelieve, in order to prove beyond reasonable doubt that conspiracy theory is definitely legitimate. But if people are becoming conspiracy theory empathists because of Ron Paul (cough Tila Tequila), then we all end up looking like a bunch of bigoted buffoons. Conspiracy theory should be removed from a political party affiliation, in my opinion, simply because it's about good journalism. Journalists should always select the parts of any political ideology that are correct, and abstain from any loss of their sense of humor and political flexibility. In short- indoctrination and journalism do not and should not go hand in hand as they do when it comes to libertarianism and conspiracy theory journalism.
Update: OK technically the version of 'm0' that I'm using is actually "monetary base", but it's not like federal reserve deposits aren't reserves that actually back the m1 or anything. It's just a technicality, and it only confuses things if you're approaching the question from how you'd learn about it as a student.

My wall of shame for various libertarian blogs that are spouting complete bullshit lies and propaganda (will update this on a continual basis, but keep in mind that it's too depressing to find these jewels of insanity on reddit "buried" amongst the top comments on all the most ignorant sub-reddits):
  1. This ignorant fool thinks that somehow $32B is backing $7.4T (I have no idea wtf kinda evidence there is for that, but I know the article does not explain it at all.)
  2. This example of propaganda shows how m0 and m1 are confused for the federal deficit in relation to america's financial assets. The 1:9 ratio does not show up in the actual m0 and m1 values at all, but these people don't care and think they know everything about how "fractional reserve banking is insanity". 
  3. Here is another example of propaganda claiming that the present day economy's money is worthless in comparison to the money of the past. The incomes of the people living in 1913 are never mentioned, so you're forced to assume that people in 1913 must've been getting EXTREMELY cheap prices on things, as if opening your wallet in today's economy is the same as opening your wallet in a 1913 economy. People in 1913 didn't have money in their wallets, and if they did, it was a direct reflection of the CPI for that era, as would be normally translated by what you'd expect as rational in today's economy.
  4. This example shows the "truth" that Libertarians want to believe. It's completely misleading and does not reflect any actual understanding of what m0 and m1 actually are.

Monday, March 25, 2013

3% Reduction in int'l Exchange Rate of USD Generates $3.93T, Eliminates All Taxes

The United States has 131 trillion dollars worth of financial assets. A 3% dollar exchange rate devaluation is therefore worth $3.93T. It's a perfectly legitimate way for the IRS to levy revenue for the government, that makes income taxes obsolete. People would keep on average 22% more income.

The purpose of the government's revenue should be to manage charity in order to promote an economy where people don't have to use money. This leaves the question: why would people choose to work if they don't have to? The incentive is: people who work get a much higher quality of life because they will be much more likely to actually have money.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Top 20 Conspiracy Theories Countdown (work in progress)

These factors help cause the problems with humanity that enable a conspiracy:
  • evil people
  • ignorance
  • prejudice
  • delusion

NOTE: clicking a link will automatically open it in a new browser tab for you

20. Carnies & Other Bullshit Scam Companies- (An intro warm-up)
World's Dumbest Man Loses Life Savings on Carnival Game
Carnival Games (time-stamped at the exact rigged game from the last video)
Jiffy Lube Scam Caught on Tape! 
Nigerian Scammer Exposed on ABC news
Insurance Scam: Obamacare Benefits Left Out Of Letters

19. Police Brutality- (more serious warm-up)
Man charged with breaking a trooper's fist with his face
Cops Beat Man Bloody Then Then Arrest Him For Bleeding On Them 
Highway-Robbing Highway Patrolmen
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Civil Forfeiture
Police State USA
Cops Assault And Arrest Woman for No Reason, Leave Her Cuffed and Naked.. 
The U.S. Supreme Court Is Marching In Lockstep with the Police State 
Ex-Guantanamo Guard on torture
MSNBC Reporter SLAMS NYC Police Brutality
UC Davis Pepper Spray Police Report 
Hawthorne, Ca Police Kill Dog(1)
Police Commandeer Homes, violate 3rd amendment
St Louis Police Union Thug Jeff Roorda Doesn't Like Video Being Used to Prosecute Cops
Couple Arrested For Asking Directions
Man Calls Suicide Hotline; Arrested, Cops Trash House
Jesse Ventura ~ Police State Full Episode
Boat Fired On - Bensalem, PA Police Do Nothing! 
Cops Shoots Unarmed Woman Motorist To Death For Rolling Up Her Car Window
Sober driver arrested for DUI when deputy blows through stop sign, hits her
Cop Sexually Assaults Woman Then Arrests Her For Protesting
Woman's Face Shattered By Cop In Cell Following DUI
Video Of Police Abuse Is Gut-Wrenching
Cops Beat Man & 7-Month Pregnant Woman, then Deleted video, survived on cloud
Wife Didn't Know She Was Filming The Cops Killing Her Husband
CIA Whistleblower's Tips On How Not to Get Killed in Jail
Photo of cop molesting a woman in front of everyone at a protest
Police Beat a Father To Death While He Begs For Help - Arrests Witnesses and Confiscates ..
Honesty Is The Worst Thing A Cop Can Do For His Career
NSA -- The #1 Source For Edward Snowden & NSA Spy Secrets
George Takei Fears NSA Spying Programs
3 NSA veterans speak out on whistle-blower: we told you so
More Snowden Leaks: How The Government Reacted To Wikileaks 
NYPD cop who choked Eric Garner wasn't indicted - but man who recorded incident was
Ferguson Prosecutor Bob Mcculloch: Corrupt or Incompetent
Key Ferguson Shooting "Witness" Exposed As A Fraud
Ferguson Prosecutor Fails to Prosecute & That Might Have Been His Goal
'It was a crank call': family seeks action against 911 caller in Walmart shooting
Former Cop Reveals Racism & Violence Within The Force
Cop Caught on Video Bragging About How He Just Killed A Man
Cops Brutally Taze Protester, Then Turn On The Man Filming It
How Cops Destroy Careers If They're Held Accountable
NYPD: Solution To Another Garner Death Is To Make Resisting Arrest A Felony 

18. Occupy Wall Street
What We Can Learn From Iceland
Rating Agencies Exposed For Helping To Create 2008 Financial Crisis 
Declaration of Occupy Wall Street
Wells Fargo Foreclosing on Florida Man Who Made Mortgage Payments Early
Banks Fight Volcker Rule
New Bank Risks & Financial Collapse
Exposed: Fed Bailout of Big Banks Dwarfs TARP (What Occupy Wall Street is About)
Global Economic Collapse? (1)
Global Economic Collapse? (2)
Bank of America Dangerous Derivatives Deal
Elizabeth Warren Brings News Anchors To Knees
$44 Trillion In Wall Street Bets 
Take Action And Put Bankers Behind Bars LIBOR and more In Your Face Banker Crime
30 Major Corporations Paid No Income Taxes
The Grand Budget-Passed Hotel 

17. Fox News/mainstream media- Lobbying for Corrupt Conservative Politicians (conservative politics in general)
US elections, rigged and computer codes ELECTION FRAUD!
Wealthy Tax Evaders Under Fire And That's Exactly What Republicans Want
Fox News Plan Exposed By Document
Fox Lies - Cenk Busts Fox News On MSNBC
Paul Ryan Budget Plan Explained
Republicans Blame Defunct ACORN for Obama Reelection
Did Obama Cut Medicare?
6 Worst Lies In Paul Ryan's Speech
Republicans Flip Flop on Medicare
Fox News: Dead Walmart Factory Workers 'Appreciated' Those Jobs
How Poor Is Poor? Ashton Kutcher, Walmart Face Off
Fox Pushes Pro-Walmart Myths To Bash Living Wage Bill
New Study Finds Wal-Mart's Miserly Wages Cost Taxpayers
New Jobs Plan = Unpaid Workers (Georgia Work$)
Bought Climate Change Denier Heads Science Committee?!?
Lord Monckton at Doha climate talks pretending to be Myanmar, He was later ejected
Heritage Foundation - A History of Pandering to the Rich
Ethics? Obamacare Architect Lobbies For Big Pharma
'Jobs Czar' Took $25K in Unemployment During Lavish Vacations
Hypocrite? 'Papa John' Says Obamacare Too Expensive
The Enraging Reason Americans Are So Misinformed About Obamacare
D'Souza Blames Liberals For No '2016' Oscar Nomination
Horrible Injustice: HSBC Above Laws, Woman Gets Life Sentence
Hostess CEOs Take Pensions from Employees
Horrifying Iraq Torture - Pentagon's Complacency Revealed (Video)
Author Slams Fox News on Fox News 
Obama Information Czar Cass Sunstein Confronted on Cognitive Infiltration of Conspiracy Groups
Woman ARRESTED For Filming Slaughterhouse from Public Street 
US: we initiate terrorism to create terrorists to overthrow governments 
Philip K Dick on corruption and lying in the media
All our media is owned by only 6 corporations
Obama Hates God? (Fox News Politicizes 9/11)
David Letterman Goes On An Epic Rant Against Greedy Oil and Gas Companies 
I Was a Paid Internet Shill
Right Wing Austerity Economics Based on Spreadsheet Error?
Daily Kos: Jon Stewart to GOP over shutdown
Where the GOP's Suicide Caucus Lives 
Sedition is against the law.
Daily Kos: MUST-SEE: Jon Stewart blasts heartless GOP states
End Times Are Here, Woohoo! Politician Raves! 
How to Debunk the Right's Lies on Global Warming, Part 3
Jesus Camp Extract Praise Bush
Worst Interview Ever?!
Fox News Fearmongering Over Obamacare
Heart-Breaking Anti-Obamacare Ad Shows Woman Suffering From Bullsh*t
5M Uninsured Under Obamacare Because Of GOP Governors?
Daily Kos: Fox News poll shows success of GOP's Obamacare lies
Rep Yells 'MONKEY COURT!' At Obamacare Hearing? 
This Is Why People Make 'Thanks Obama' Jokes
Fox Attacks "Foolish" George Clooney Over Typhoon Haiyan And Climate Change 
Reporter Booted For Revealing Preferential Treatment of China
Ten True Facts Guaranteed to Short-Circuit Republican Brains
How Americans Feel About Income Inequality According To Fox News
Sad Milestone: Working People Need Food Stamps More Than Anybody
Fox News Welfare Academy
2014: A Waste Odyssey
John Elway, Don't Give Me Your BS On Social Safety Nets
Facts Buried, Oil Sands Dug UP & The Environment Pays the Price
Terrible News About The Deficit (For Obama-Hating Republicans)
Trans-Pacific Partnership = Government Corruption At Its Finest 
Impeach Obama? We Never Said That! - CUE THE TAPE!
Here's Undeniable Proof That The Media Isn't Liberal, At All
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Net Neutrality
Justice Scalia Is Utterly Stupid, Especially On Religion & The Constitution
Fact Checking Barton Part V: Treaty of Tripoli
Conspiracy-Debunking Benghazi Report Whips Lindsey Graham
Democalypse 2014 - South by South Mess: Ad of Brothers 
Fox News Reporters Fired For Trying To Expose Monsanto Were Right
Fox News 'No Go Zone' Lies Exposed In Most Wonderful Way by French TV
Fox News Host: Climate Change Hoax Cost Us Our Freedom!
Anti-Obamacare Plaintiffs Show Stunning Ignorance 
Tucker Carlson: Christians Ended Slavery
Traitor Senator Taking Money From Defense Industry
Senators Face Backlash Over Letters To Iran
Fox News: We don't call the poor "leeches" John Stewart: Let me google that
Armed Militia Takes Over Federal Building
Carly Fiorina Sold Baby Parts
Last Week Tonight With John Oliver: Voting

16. CNN/MSNBC (deliberately stupid/ignorant news that plays devil's advocate)

15. Internet Astroturfing- manipulating public opinion with shills via comment debates
How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations Hacking Online Polls and Other Ways British Spies Seek to Control the Internet
GCHQ’s “Chinese menu” of tools spreads disinformation across Internet- “Effects capabilities” allow analysts to twist truth subtly or spam relentlessly.
The Guardian: Internet Astroturfing
BBC News: US plans to 'fight the net' revealed
BBC News: Pentagon plans propaganda war
CENTCOM engages bloggers
WIRED: Air Force Releases ‘Counter-Blog’ Marching Orders
Military Report: Secretly ‘Recruit or Hire Bloggers’
The Guardian: Israel organizes volunteers to flood the net with Israeli propaganda
The Guardian: Israel ups the stakes in the propaganda war
Israel To Pay Students For Pro-Israeli Social Media Propaganda
BBC News: China's Internet spin doctors
Air Force ordered software to manage army of fake virtual people
HBGary: Automated social media management
NPR: Report: U.S. Creates Fake Online Identities To Counter 'Enemy Propaganda'
The Guardian: US spy operation to manipulate social media
The Guardian: The need to protect the internet from 'astroturfing' grows ever more urgent
Exposing Cyber Shills and Social Media's Underworld
Turkey's Government Forms 6,000-Member Social Media Team

14. False Flag Operations
The false flag Gulf of Tonkin Incident Vietnam
Cenk Goes Ballistic (Revisited)
Cost of Iraq & Afghanistan Wars Is Absolutely Staggering
The CIA in Iran causes coup with deception
Syrian Girl- Why Al Qaeda is Al CIAda
Assad: Syria not in civil war, but attacked by Qaeda
Syrian Girl: Obama Directly Backing Al Qaeda in Public Statement
CIA Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Rebels 
Zbigniew Brzezinski meets Afghanistan Jihadist and says God is on their side
The Story Of The Tulsa Race Riots Will Disgust You
FBI Director Denies Charleston Shooting Was Terrorism 

13. School/Medicine Establishment Racket (government rip-off)
Neal Adams - Science: 01 - Conspiracy: Earth is Growing
World map without distortion
Ancient Giants in America
Rupert Sheldrake - The Science Delusion BANNED TED TALK
The College Conspiracy
Politicians Finally Work Together... To Screw College Students
Are You Underemployed? 
Americans pay world's highest prices for childbirth
Full Show 5/8/13: One Hospital Charges $8,000.. Another $38,000?
Would You Be This Calm If You Received A $117,000 Medical Bill?
DOJ Moves to Disqualify All Attorneys Who Know of Govt Misconduct

12. Anti-Gravity & Crystal Powercell Technology
The Anti-Gravity Secret of Coral Castle - FULL VERSION
The Hutchison Effect - Science Channel Documentary
EZ DIY Crystal Cell powers a motor and LED for over a year! 
4-6 John Searl levitation technology (SEG)
5/6 UFO BUILT & FLOWN 3500 KMH PROF John Searl SEG Free Energy 

11. Ultra-Covert Deep Underground Military Base Culture
Phil Schneider - D.U.M.B.S (Underground Bases, Alien Greys, New World Order) HQ Full Length
1-Former Area 51 Employee Ed Fouche (Part 1 of 7)
Bob Lazar & Area 51/S4
Bob Lazar passes the lie detector test on UFOs
David Wilcock - The Montauk Chair & 2012
Escape From Area-51 J-Rod Full Documentary 
9/10/2001: Rumsfeld says $2.3 TRILLION Missing from Pentagon
CIA plane crash lands with four tons of coke
Bill Birnes Explains Why Ufo Hunters Was Pulled Amazing UFO videos
This is a REAL interview with an actual alien!
NSA document supports whistleblower claim of alien UFO communication program
Boyd Bushman His Last Interview A documentary on Area 51 
Bob Lazar's website (mirror)
Krill Papers, Part 1, UFO Casebook Files
If we down at least one UFO.. Former Defense Minister of Canda
Conspiracy Theory w Jesse Ventura Secret Societies S01E05 5 5

10. Bilderberg, Freemasonry, and Bohemian Grove (& other cults)
Conspiracy of Silence: Who are the Bilderberg Group?
THE SECRETS OF THE ELITE - One Family ~ One Bloodline ~ One Rule
Dark Secrets : Inside Bohemian Grove Full Length
JFK Secret Societies Speech - Complete
Interview With a Former Finnish 33rd Degree Freemason part 1
The Secret Sun: The Council of Nine and The Star Trek Pantheon
Celebrities and influential/wealthy people are in Council of Nine personality cult
Nuveau Tech Cult
The Un-Funny TRUTH about Scientology
The Worldwide Church of God
Intelligent Design for Atheists - The Raelian Movement
They're Bigger Assholes Than You Ever Thought - Wall St Secret Society
WhistleBlower Head of FBI tells all from NWO

9. Extra-Terrestrials (Aliens)
You Want The Truth? You Can't Handle The Truth! The UFO Phenomenon Is REAL!
Zimbabwe Ufo - 62 School Children Witnesses
Starchild Skull- The SHOCKING DNA Results Are In.....WATCH THIS!
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Three (02 of 18)
UFO Hypotheses - S4 Informers Volume Three (03 of 18)
The two most important crop circles ever. No joke
Crop Circle Science 
Aliens Killing Human Beings - A Very Rare, Yet Documented Case
CNN Report UFO Truth Revealed By CIA,FBI & US Government UNBELIVABLE!!!!
UFO contact from Iarga 
Interview with Adrian Beers from Scania Holland
Deathbed Testimony About UFOs Given By Former CIA Official (Shocking Testimony!) 
Defense Minister of Canada Announces on TV News That Aliens Are Here
Ganymede (moon orbiting Saturn) alien contact under Reagen administration
9' Foot Tall Beings Landing In Russia Witnessed By Dozens of People
The Stan Romanek Story: Messages - UFO and Alien Contact
Alient Interview - Victor Returns 11 years later  

8. Paranormal Abilities
Magnetic man Miroslaw Magola with another magnetic peop
people-extra skills - magnetic Family
REAL Matrix Spoon Bending - Telekinesis!!
Water Dowsing (aka Well Witching) With My Crazy Husband
Re-Learning Math with Scott Flansburg 
Stan Lee's Superhumans: (Human Calculator appears at 19:00 time-stamp)
Uri Geller - Scientists Answers to Questions
Secret CIA Psychic Lab Experiments with Uri Geller at Stanford University
"Disinformation Department in the Department of Defense-high level research projects"
This is Probably the Best Evidence of The Paranormal and Aliens.
Chi Exists, Here is Proof
Fork Bending - Real Thing - No Trick - Jack Lewis
How to Bend a Spoon
Let me help you bend a spoon with your mind

7. Dental Hygiene (miswak, mercury vapor poisoning, fluoride poisoning)
Infowars Hidden Camera - Fluoride Treatment Facility
Fluoride: The Hidden Poison in the National Organic Standards
Demonstration of mercury vapor from a filling 
Fluoride Is Poison | Brainwash Update
Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil to Transform Your Dental Health
A review on miswak (Salvadora Persica) and its effects on various aspects of oral health
More links: how do I lower my daily fluoride dosage?
Why should I avoid fluoride?
What happens when scientists and government employees have too much fluoride in their system?

6. Cancer Cures (laetrile, dca, baking soda, essiac, sulforaphane, wormwood/iron, and hash oil)
34 Medical Studies Proving Canabis Cures Cancer
Cancer is finally cured in Canada but Big Pharma has no interest, watch it 'till the end!
Cured: A Cannabis Story (A film by David Triplett)
Ronnie Smith's Story - Cured 300 people of cancer with cannabis oil
How to Make Rick Simpson's Medicinal Hemp Oil Safely
The Most Important Video Posted On YouTube part 2
How To Make Baking Soda Molasses Cancer Protocol Solutions
I Beat Cancer with Vitamin B17, Update
Cancer: The Forbidden Cures
The Beautiful Truth
Laetrile: How Much Proof Do They Need?
Pink Fracking - The Daily Show - Video Clip
Wormwood & Iron Kill 98% of Breast Cancer Cells in 16 Hours
More Research on Transferrin bound Artemisinin Medical Studies

5. Monsanto, Dupont, and Dow: GMO & herbicide toxicity (also benefits of food as medicine and corrupt businesses destroying nature due to their political power)
The World According To Monsanto (Full Length)
New Evidence Establishes Dangers of Roundup
Journalist Linda May on Alex Jones Tv 1/2: What the Government Didn't say about Agent Orange
Journalist Linda May on Alex Jones Tv 2/2: What the Government Didn't say about Agent Orange
Flap over "Agent Orange corn"
GMO & Pesticides Cause Tumors & Higher Mortality Rate? (Documentary of Actual Study)
Wal-Mart to sell tumor-producing corn
37 Million Bees Found Dead In Onatrio, Canada After Planting Large GMO Corn Field
CENSORED News- The Lethal Dangers of "Roundup"
Dave Murphy: 20 Years of GMO Policy That Keeps Americans in the Dark
Genetically Modified Food Label Initiative Failing - Why?
Simply Raw - Reversing Diabetes in 30 days (complete)
Cinnamon to Treat Diabetes and Cholesterol
Nutritional Weaklings in the Supermarket
Purple carrots the next superfood
Canola Oil Report - The Straight Dope on Canola Oil
Canola Oil - How Toxic Is It?
The Fake Persuaders
'Senator From Walmart' Hired By Monsanto, Scores Big In Post-Senate Life
A Truth About Olive Oil We Should All KnowBisphenol A (BPA) Contaminating Our Food
BPA replacement (BPS) alters hormones at low doses, study finds 
Gasland (2010)
Gasland 2 (2013)
Josh Fox on Gasland Part 2, the Fracking-Earthquake Link & the
'Terrorism Hoax' Chargers For Anti-Fracking Protestors
Daily Kos: Stephen Colbert exposes fracking silencing their victims 
What is the "Halliburton Loophole"?
EPA Barred From Getting Advice From Scientists
Forget Oil. Here Are The More Insidious Things That Polluted America's Air And Water 
Is Dimock Water Safe To Drink?
When Fracking Comes to Town
Split Estate Documentary
Blatantly Selfish Reason a CEO is Suing to Stop Fracking
Watch An Inconvenient Truth Online
An Inconvenient Truth (5/10) Movie CLIP- Drastic Rise in C02
Climate Change 2013: Greenland Ice Sheet & Northern Polar Jet Stream
The graph that really matters
The People Have Spoken: This Is The Most Brazen Lie of 2014
Who Funds Climate Change Deniers?
Climate Change Denial Is Real & Man-Made, Here's Proof
Military Planes Caught Dumping Mysterious Fibers: Lab Tests Confirm "Metals"
Chemtrails finally proven by whistleblower?
Chemtrails the secret war
Chemtrails, Here is your PROOF 100% REAL
VICE on HBO Season 2: Crude Awakening and The Enemy of My Enemy
Our Rising Oceans: VICE
Senator Jim Inhofe Uses The Bible To Disprove Climate Change
Geoengineering Whistleblower ~ Ex Military ~ Kristen Meghan

4. Israel-Palestine Conflict
Israeli Soldiers Interviewed: Told To Shoot To Kill... Everyone
Tiny Gaza Visualized Shows There's Nowhere To Run
Pro-Israel propaganda is caught lying on youtube 
Israel exposed.
Israel's War on Truth | Brainwash Update
Massive Israeli Strike-back on Gaza Strip (Disturbing Video)
The Video Israelis Should Be Ashamed Exists
Shocking Facts on Israel & Palestine
Not So Cool Facts About Nazi Israel
Israel Withholds $100 Million of Palestinian Money, Builds on E1
Cranky Pat Condell Zionist apologist taken to the wood shed
Hate me... I am the terrorist..
UK's Observer adds "kill Jews" to Hamas Leader Khaled Meshal's Gaza Speech..
Black Weekend, Bloody Mud, and White Sand
Israel's Latest Theft From Palestine Is Biggest In 30 Years
LEAK: Netanyahu Lied About Iran Threat
Netanyahu Flip Flops On Palestine

3. Economic Conspiracy: economic feudalistic empire and its covert terrorism
John Perkins "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" Extended Interview
Real Life Super Villains Hold Entire Country Hostage
The 1929 Stock Market Crash Was Deliberate Sabotage
Economic Crash Deliberately Caused in 1830s
World Bank: Money Laundering Criminals | Interview with Whistleblower Karen Hudes
N.Y. Fed Fires Examiner Who Took On Goldman Sachs: ProPublica
The Last Mystery of the Financial Crisis
HSBC whistleblower claims money laundering is still occurring, financing terrorism.
HSBC pays record $1.9bn fine to settle US money laundering accusations
Chris Christie Caught Stealing $1B From Pensions
Elizabeth Warren Rages Against Executive Branch
TPP Grants Banks Terrifying Secret Powers
How To Pay For Tax Cuts For The Rich (If You're A Republican)
Apparently Corporations Are People But FEC Comissioners Aren't

2. Free Energy Technologies
Free Energy - Pentagon Conspiracy to Cover up
Stanley Meyers water powered car final report
Hydrogen Hybrid Conversion For ANY Vehicle- I'm Saving 56% At The Gas Pump!
FREE ENERGY - Air Powered Vehicles
HHO Hydrogen Gas Welder by Aquygen 1
HHO Hydrogen Gas Welder by Aquygen 2
HHO Hydrogen Gas Welder by Aquygen 3
HHO Gas and Gasoline Professional Welding Machine Running a 5.5 Honda Engine
Truck Runs 100 % on WATER NOT on GASOLINE
Government killed inventor! Electric car without Battery invented
NO scam (it's a REAL DEAL) Muammer Yildiz Magnet Motor demo at Delft University
Inventor Jailed for making this video?
Geet Pantone Engine Concept Demo by Andreas Kalcker
HHO Wet Cell vs Dry Cell
120v 4.5LPM 60 plate hho ( hydrogen ) dry cell demonstration 
HHO Neutral Plates Explained
Area 51 Engineer Bob Lazar's Hydrogen Powered Corvette
Pulse DC Motors-Generator (PMG) - no-counteremf
selfrunning working permanent magnet motor , is it a Fake ?
perpetual motion machine selfrunning
Permanent Magnetic Motor from Argentina. A self running, free energy generator! 
ossie motor. perpetual motion motor description
free energy generator 2
Nikola Tesla unlimited free energy forever THEY dont want you to know about
Dennis Lee- Super Heat Pump Story from late 1980s
Nitinol Heat Machines invented in the early 1970s
LFTRs in 5 minutes - Thorium Reactors
Desertphile is wrong on hho
Water as Fuel - Andrija Puharich and Suppression by David Rockefeller
How they went wrong
WITTS over 500 independent engineer verifications 
A Practical Guide to 'Free-Energy' Devices

1. Excitotoxins
Excitotoxins; The Taste That Kills
hidden sources of msg
A Sour Deception: Citric Acid Comes From GMO Black Mold, Not Fruit
Whey - Excitotoxins
Glutamate Containing Additives - Epilepsy
Aspartame, MSG, Excitotoxins & the Hypothalamus 
Dr. Ted Broer - Aspartame pt. 1
"Free Glutamate" Free Diet
10 Facts about Xanthan Gum, a very popular food additive
What's Wrong With Magnesium Aspartate (Magnesium Vitamins)
Glutamate Induces Apoptosis in Pituitary
Functional glutamate receptors in a subpopulation of anterior pituitary cells 
MSG Linked to Obesity
The induction of obesity in rodents by means of monosodium glutamate 
Why Are People So Ignorant? Proof as to what..
Deadly Immunity by Robert F. Kennedy Jnr (Full)
Whistleblower Claims CDC Covered Up Data Showing Vaccine-Autism Link
Mercury In Vaccines Was Replaced With Something Even MORE Toxic 

(Why this was ranked #1: There's evidence to indicate that if a pregnant mother is eating excitotoxic food, her children will always turn out to be more evil than they would otherwise be. That's a BIG problem when our culture was already having that problem to begin with. It basically just amplifies something to the point of potentially being hopeless.)